So after my latest round of tweets with Corby MP Louise Mensch nee. Bagshawe, she has effectively called me a spammer and forbade me from tweeting her any longer (or I’ll be blocked). So be it. I won’t tweet her any more.
She has invited me to email her – but why would I do that? That just makes everything private – and I can be more easily ignored in private. I did highlight the latest copyright infringements on Menshn to her, however that has yet to be rectified on the site.
So, since I’m now apparently a spammer it is time to question Ms. Mensch’s understanding of a few words.
1. Democracy. You would think a Member of Parliament would get this one right. Apparently not.
We’ll take Wikipedia’s opening paragraph:
Democracy is an egalitarian form of government in which all the citizens of a nation together determine public policy, the laws and the actions of their state, requiring that all citizens (meeting certain qualifications) have an equal opportunity to express their opinion.

2. Censorship.
Again, lets take Wikipedia’s opening paragraph:
Censorship is the suppression of speech or other public communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient as determined by a government, media outlet, or other controlling body.

3. spam. (using lowercase because Hormel trademark requests the capitalised version remain for the lunch meat product).
Again with Wikipedia:
Spam is the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately. While the most widely recognized form of spam is e-mail spam, the term is applied to similar abuses in other media…

So, I’m not quite sure what the metaJesus thing is all about – but basically I’m a spammer.
All my messages (see previous blog posts), including *everything* on Menshn and tweets has been critical comment. Pointing our flaws in their web site, security, and actual Copyright Infringement. Not complaints; and most certainly not spam by any definition.
Is there a lesson here? Yes. If you talk about something that Mensch doesn’t want to talk about or hear, Louise will define your message as “spam”, delete, block or otherwise censor you. Thereby enabling Menshn to claim they do not censor (except when they want to).
Ironic however, that Louise doesn’t want me to tweet her, yet does invite me to comment via email – which is closer to the definition of spam!
Perhaps one of her Corby constituents will pass her a dictionary. It appears she may have use of one.
I will not be tweeting this message to Louise or I’ll be blocked from her twitter feed also, but please feel free to let her know yourself.
I’m also done with Menshn. I am obviously not welcome as my preferred topics of conversation are not catered for.