My first bad ebay experience from happyapple-devices

Opinions in this article are just that, my opinions.

Decided on October 9 to purchase an iPhone 5S from ebay business seller happyapple-devices.  Used Best Offer and paypal to complete the transaction.

The phone is described as:

Apple iPhone 5s ✔️Unlocked ✔️32GB Space Grey ✔️LIKE NEW CONDITION ✔️WARRARNTY

With description:

Seller refurbished :
Like new condition, and bezel shows no light typical wear and tear, and bezel surround is great condition. 12 months warranty plus 5 free accessories – USB Car Charger, Data Sync Cable, New Box with instructions, Sim Tray Removal Tool, Screen Protector and Cleaning Cloth, plus recorded delivery.

Link to the actual item sold via ebay.

Unfortunately when the phone arrived it was obvious that it was not ‘like new’.  It was in a very good almost excellent condition – certainly Grade A – but not ‘like new’.  There were some minor scuffs on the bezel, and a couple of dents in two corners – not major. However the screen and back is perfect.

The first thing I tried doing was charging it with the supplied ‘new’ charging cable – 2-3 hours later, phone still wouldn’t turn on. Crap! I thought I’d bought a duff phone. Then when I tried to unplug the charging cable – the end came apart in my hand exposing the electronic chip and circuity within these lightning cables.  I thought I’d try the daughter’s iPad charging cable and it did successfully charge the phone and it turned on OK. Yay!

Then I tried to raise the issue with the seller happyapple-devices.
Oct 15, I open a ticket with ebay on the item to highlight the inaccurate description and broken power cable. I included photos of the corner dents in the bezel as proof.

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These guys tell a great story on customer service:
“We care about our customers and your experience.”
“Amazing customer services via phone, email or even text message.”

My experience is that these claims are entirely superficial and these guys could not care less about your experience.

I received a phone call from happyapple-devices the next day – keen to resolve the situation. Eventually we agreed that it would be appropriate (and cheaper for them and me) to re-grade the item as Grade A (instead of like new) and they would refund me £20. He would also send me a new “apple original” charging cable.

Then came the killer line from happyapple-devices: “The system won’t let me perform the refund while the ticket is open.”  He asked me to close the ticket so he could perform the £20 refund.  Not knowing any better – I’ve never had to do this before – I thought I needed to close the ticket to proceed.

I closed the ticket.   ProTip: Don’t close the tickets people until you’ve actually received satisfactory resolution to the issue.

It’s now 3 weeks and 2 days later and I still have no paypal refund. I also have not received a new cable.

Basically, my interpretation from happyapple-devices is a big fuck-you.

All I can do in response is warn others about their behaviour and file a complaint with ebay. When I post this I’m going to leave them negative feedback (also the first time I’ve done this to any seller) and if I can, link to this article. ebay UK already has my complaint (acknowledged by ebay twitter team) – but it may take a while to get a response.


5 Replies to “My first bad ebay experience from happyapple-devices”

  1. That really does suck. Consumers these days are being less and less protected by eBay, Amazon etc. These guys can not be allowed to get away with it. There are not enough penalties to the vendor, by the likes of eBay, in order to stop them from either selling illegal copies or incorrectly described items.
    Good luck.

  2. Hi,
    Having a similar problem with this company. Brought a iPhone 5c for my son for Xmas and they sent the wrong network phone, sent the phone back which they replaced with another and when that arrived this one didn’t even switch on or charge so this has now been returned and still waiting for a refund two weeks later. I have raised the issue with Amazon and still waiting for them to resolve the problem. If I don’t get a refund I will have no choice but to pay them a visit personally. Also Amazon doesn’t have any contact number which I think is a bit weird, if anyone can help with a telephone number I would be most appreciated. All I can say don’t buy from these people they are out to sell you duff goods without any intention of refunding your money. KEEP WELL AWAY.

    1. Mine wouldn’t charge either, then when I tried to unplug it the charging cable that came with it fell apart in my hands – literally. I bought another charging cable from poundland and that did the trick. Certainly worth a shot.

    2. Just wondered if you got your refund as I’ve got the same issue. Have you visited their premises yet in Peterborough or does this not exist?

      1. I received a refund via complaining to Paypal. The effectively forced happyapple-devices to provide the agreed upon £20 refund. I don’t know anything about their premises as I’m over a sea and I’m not going to spend hundreds going to look 🙂

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