Those of you who regularly read this tome (thanks mum!) may be aware that I recently applied for an Alliance & Leicester Premier Plus account with Credit Card. Story is over here.
As I noted, when I read the Terms & Conditions (that they send out to you to get a real signature since I applied online) I decided I did not like the Credit Card terms and scrawled a large C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E-D across that particular "agreement" and did not sign it.
So imagine my surprise at what arrived in this morning’s post:
How is it possible for a bank to hand out a credit card in this way?
Apparently I now have 5 days to cancel this "agreement" that I never made. I guess I better at least try to cancel ‘by the book’ or watch my credit rating go to hell.
I called A&L last night and spoke with a helpful chap who told me he would cancel the card. He also told me that they "had a signed agreement" according to the computer.
I’ve written a letter of complaint to A&L, MBNA, and the Compliance Manager of MBNA, cut up the card and will post these today.
Then this morning I received a call from MBNA informing me (paraphrasing) "I’m calling from MBNA to confirm that your credit card has been approved… <pause> oh, wait, I see that it has been cancelled".
sounds like where i work…