IRC and l4m3 asshats

This evening, whilst lurking in #php (efnet), a guy by the handle ITman decided to spam the channel with an advert to join his channel to pay him for consulting.

Ordinarily such events come and go, but this one was quite wonderful.

Read and weep.

ITman ( has joined channel #php
<ITman> Anyone need help join #Consulting, only $5 per question
<ajnewbold> ITman ok there buddy
*+* Mode change "-o+b ITman *!*n@*" on channel #php by Qube
ITman has been kicked off channel #php by Qube (game over, man.  game over.)

And that was that, until:

<ajnewbold> #consulting just got pwned
* Can’t join #consulting: channel is invite-only
<ajnewbold> I own #consulting 🙂
<ajnewbold> Who wants ops?
<ajnewbold> hahahaaha
* ajnewbold feels 13 again
<Qube> invite
* You have joined channel #Consulting
* Topic for #Consulting: ^B#Consulting^O | Professional IRC and computer consulting | $5 per question |
* Topic for #Consulting set by ITman! on Fri Jul  9 23:00:09 2004
* Users on #Consulting: Qube @huang-ti Rainmaker Trials MamaTried niklas Avi
babe coldshado @ITguy Averell ITman
*** #Consulting : created Fri Jul  9 22:59:58 2004
<niklas:#php> ajnewbold: having fun? 😉
<ajnewbold:#php> the guy was a turd
<ajnewbold:#php> he kept on advertising in all these channels
<ajnewbold:#php> then he oped me
<ajnewbold:#php> idiot

Knowing he’d lost this challenge:
<ITman> Anyone need help join #Consulting2, only $10 per question
<Avibabe> Oh my.
<Avibabe> TEN BUCKS!
<Avibabe> 😀
<Trials> one of those moments that gets put on a site and ppl read and think pahh, thats just stupid
* huang-ti has changed the topic on channel #Consulting to "Free consulting for one and all!"
* Mode change "+o Qube" on channel #Consulting by ajnewbold
<Avibabe> 😀
<Qube> must be because #consulting2 is worth twice as much as #consulting
<ajnewbold> hahaha
<Avibabe> 😀
<ajnewbold> join #consulting2
<Qube> DoNotTauntTheHappyFunAjnewbold
<ajnewbold> god
<ajnewbold> it’s been 10 years since my last channel takeover
<ajnewbold> mind you, I do think that taking over a channel is highly immature
<ITman> I concur
<ajnewbold> but in this case it felt justifiable
<ajnewbold> the guy was a turd
<Qube> he’ll not spam #php again
* ITman has been kicked off channel #Consulting by ajnewbold (ITman)
<niklas> he will not, i but a ban in place
<ajnewbold> I forgot he was here
<Qube> niklas++
<niklas> now do we really want to stick around as it will look like we did the spamming?

<CyrixBorg> god he was annoying
<CyrixBorg> what happened with him?
<ajnewbold> CyrixBorg, he was relieved of duty
<CyrixBorg> did he op you and you kicked him? hehe
<CyrixBorg> yah
<ajnewbold> yeah, hehe
<ajnewbold> I’m an ass
<CyrixBorg> he was annoying in our channnels
<ajnewbold> he set up shop in #consulting2
<ajnewbold> I should have joined it before I took this over

<ajnewbold> he’s soliciting help in #consulting2
* You have joined channel #Consulting2
* Topic for #Consulting2: State your question, only $10 (
* Topic for #Consulting2 set by ITman! on Fri Jul  9 23:15:59 2004
* Users on #Consulting2: Qube ajnewbold Avibabe sinnedFBI MaggieL Trials Averell gripe @ITman

I then joined channels #Consulting3 .. 22, then we saw:
* You have joined channel #Consulting22
* Mode change "+nt" on channel #Consulting22 by
* Users on #Consulting22: @Qube
<ITman:#Consulting2> Join #Consulting23 for professional consulting, come and ask your question, only 99 cents a piece
* Mode for channel #consulting22 is "+tn"
*** #Consulting22 : created Fri Jul  9 23:35:00 2004
* You have joined channel #consulting23
* Users on #consulting23: Qube @ITman
<MaggieL:#consulting4> Too late

* ITman ( has joined channel #consulting3
<ITman:#consulting3> Join #Consulting23 for professional consulting, come and ask your question, only 99 cents a piece
[etc, etc, for all the channels]

* ITgal ( has joined channel #consulting23
<ajnewbold> qube, you didn’t go up high enough man
* ITgal is horny
<Qube> i know
* Qube rubs itgal
* ITgal loves it
* Mode change "+o ITgal" on channel #consulting23 by ITman
* Mode change "-o ITgal" on channel #consulting23 by ITman
<ITman> oops
<ajnewbold> oh you fucking idiot
<ajnewbold> haha
* ITgal wants the ops, makes her wet
* Mode change "+o ajnewbold" on channel #consulting23 by ITman
* Mode change "-o ajnewbold" on channel #consulting23 by ITman
<ITman> oops
<ITman> I gott alearn mirc lol
<ajnewbold> itman, you got a lot to learn
<Qube> aw, i didn’t gett oped and you all did
* Mode change "+o Qube" on channel #consulting23 by ITman
* ITman has been kicked off channel #consulting23 by Qube (Qube)
<Qube> hooray
<Trials> ROFL
<Trials> ah ya bitch
* ITman ( has joined channel #consulting23
<ajnewbold> wtf?
<ajnewbold> oh my god
<ITman> Join #Consulting24 for professional consulting, come and ask your question, only 99 cents a piece
<ajnewbold> that ROCKS!
<Qube> rotfl
<ajnewbold> Qube, I can’t believe that happened!
<Phlip-> hehehe

We later had an oper gline him when we got bored.

2 Replies to “IRC and l4m3 asshats”

  1. Hi, not really related, but i did a netstat on my pc and i found the following ESTABLISHED
    Did a search ob Google and found your site.  Who are these skanova people and is my PC at risk, how do i get back at them if it is ?? Thanks for your help if you can.
    best regards

  2. They are a broadband provider. No idea if you are at risk – were you using any file sharing tools that might have invited such connections?   Make sure you install a firewall and close down unwanted inbound connections.



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